We have a huge interest in nature and space, hence the futuristic name POD-X®.
We wish to create products that help this planet and beyond. POD-X® products are designed to be beautifully functional and conscientious.
Earth, Ocean, Nature and Humanity in Unity.
P O D – X® V I S I O N : E A R T H
The Earth belongs to us all. Every creature, every ocean wave, every tree and every living Human and soul. We should be celebrating the natural world, but we should also be celebrating the human mind and the talents we were giving. We need to be using our minds consciously so that the things we create are made with good intentions, a pure heart and ultimately unite all for a better Planet Earth.
So our vision is simple:
Earth, Ocean, Nature and Humanity in unity. Follow our journey as we work on a Wonderful Product which we will reveal to you in months to come. Our futuristic design is out of this world ready to land and unite all these 4 elements.